Australian Sea Lions & Shark Nets

Australian Sea Lion

From Pink Bay, we look across to The Pages, home to the second-largest colony of Australian Sea Lions in the world. Meanwhile down at Seal Bay around 150,000 people, a year get to see the world’s rarest seal at close quarters. It’s the biggest natural attraction in the state.

Alas, however, this Sea-lion species is in decline with significant numbers of animals inadvertently caught in gill nets by shark fishing boats.

Sardi scientists put it this way: “The report estimates that between 187-347 sea lion bycatch mortalities occur within SA and adjacent Commonwealth waters each year. “For female sea lions, mortality from fishery bycatch represents about a 35% increase from natural mortality levels,” says A/Prof Goldsworthy.

The report identifies such bycatch mortality levels are unsustainable and, if modifications are not made to current fishing practices, further declines in sea lion abundance, colony extinctions and reductions in the range are likely.” More info here and last week’s Stateline also had their take on the story.

Something to think about when you order flake (shark) from your fish and chip shop.
And on a brighter note if you want to see what a Sea-lion gets up to underwater have a look here. You can also visit Sea Bay to see a large colony of Australian sea lions.