About Our Paradise

Step onto an island unlike any other and enjoy spectacular scenery, an abundance of wildlife, scrumptious wines and flavoursome produce, all from the doorstep of your beautiful sanctuary – Sea Dragon Kangaroo Island. Our beachside accommodation invites you to relax and enjoy your time away hosted by fabulous staff keen to share this special slice of South Australia with you. Listen to the sounds of the waves lapping on our secluded beach as you settle into your favourite book. Hear kangaroo joeys hopping towards their mum’s pouch and native birds welcoming the new day. Sample the wares of our local providores and take in the sites of our world-renowned National Parks. All this awaits you during your Sea Dragon escape. And while our fantastic beach is ideal for a cool off in summer, watching the weather come across the sea while sipping on a glass of local red or cuddling up inside the warmth of your ocean view accommodation makes Sea Dragon ideal for a romantic winter escape.

Why you’ll love your stay at
Sea Dragon Kangaroo Island

Absolute oceanfront and
views from all accommodations

Our 250-acre coastal property enjoys 600 metres of absolute ocean frontage with stunning beach and ocean views of the mainland of South Australia across the Backstairs Passage.

Each high quality accommodation on the property offers a dramatic view of the ocean and Pink Bay, while most also provide views of the beach.

Secluded beach

Our beach located at the base of the property and a short walk from all accommodations, Pink Bay, is a charming and scenic cove of white sand framed by granite rocks, inaccessible by land to the general public. The unpatrolled beach is ideal for cooling off in summer or spotting dolphins and even whales (seasonal).

Guests can also enjoy sunset drinks with kangaroo companions feeding nearby or order a hamper for a lunchtime beach picnic.

Our resident
Australian wildlife​​

Sea Dragon Kangaroo Island is truly a wildlife lover’s dream come true.

A wildlife lover’s dream

Our 250 acres is home to the majority of native species of animal living on Kangaroo Island. Over half of our property is a designated area of heritage protection of flora and fauna.

Our guests tell us they see more kangaroos and wallabies at Sea Dragon than they see anywhere else on the island and the reason for this is simple: most animals are more active in the early morning and late afternoon, which is generally when guests spend their time at Sea Dragon, plus our location is away from main roads and ‘human noise’ making the animals very comfortable.

Sitting on your deck, kangaroos will often come to visit. Going for a walk to our beach you will see kangaroos and you might also see an echidna, a goanna or perhaps a pod of dolphins passing through the bay.

Dolphins and seals regularly swim past the beach and whales pass by from May to September.

Our native species can be seen on the property year-round making Sea Dragon Kangaroo Island one of the best accommodations in the country to see Australian wildlife. All animals on the property are completely wild and for this reason, we ask that guests do not feed the wildlife.

Kangaroo Island birdwatching

Kangaroo Island is a veritable bird paradise, with over 260 species calling it home. Thirty of those species can be found at Sea Dragon specifically. Dedicated birdwatching activities can be arranged if you’re interested in getting a closer look at the island’s feathered residents. However, many species can also be spotted from your deck or during walks around the property. Let us know if you’re particularly interested in birds, and we’ll be happy to provide more information.

We also have a variety of native birds including the endangered Glossy Black Cockatoo with many avid birdwatchers staying with us for the fantastic Australian birdlife. Relax on your deck while listening to the sounds of nature surrounding you.

Iconic Australian animals found at Sea Dragon Kangaroo Island

Kangaroos & wallabies

Kangaroo Island, and Sea Dragon, is home to hundreds of kangaroos and wallabies. Guests will always see these beautiful animals during their stay with us as they are active all year round.

Kangaroo Island Kangaroos are a sub-species of the Western Grey Kangaroo and typically live between 9-13 years in the wild. They are one of the most placid kangaroos by nature as they don’t have predators like the mainland kangaroos. They weigh between 20-70kgs and an adult male on his hind feet can reach a height of almost two metres.

Tamar wallabies can frequently be seen hopping around Sea Dragon with their much larger kangaroo cousins.


Echidnas or spiny anteaters are common on our property and are sometimes spotted while walking to the beach or along our other walking trails.

Echidnas are very unusual animals. They have spines like a porcupine, a pouch like a kangaroo, a beak much like a bird, and lay eggs like a reptile. They are one of only two types of monotreme in the world. The platypus is the other. Echidnas are small and solitary mammals usually between 30 to 40 centimetres long and weighing between two and four kilograms.

Not only can you see them at Sea Dragon, but keep an eye out for them within the low lying shrubs along the island roads.

Goannas & other reptiles

Heath Goannas can regularly be seen patrolling around the property looking for a meal. They are the island’s apex land predator and as such show little fear if approached by guests. They are considered harmless. Many other smaller lizards also live on the property and snakes are seen occasionally.

Heath Goannas are also known as Rosenberg’s Goannas. They are powerful reptiles with sharp curved claws, strong limbs and long muscular tails. They can reach lengths of 1.5 metres. These goannas are the reason why there are no rabbits on Kangaroo Island. Every time the early pioneers on the island foolishly tried to introduce rabbits, the goannas would raid the burrows. We have a lot to thank them for!

If you are a keen birdwatcher, then you’re going to love Kangaroo Island, which has over 260 species of Australian birds.

At Sea Dragon Kangaroo Island we have sighted over 30 of these species, with many other Kangaroo Island bird species known to reside on the estate. Avid bird watchers can spend hours observing our thriving bird population. For those who would like to know more about Kangaroo Island’s birds, we supply a copy of the famous “Birds of Kangaroo Island” book by Chris Baxter and some small binoculars on request.

If you would like to explore more of Kangaroo Island’s amazing birdlife, why not consider a private birdwatching tour.

Thanks to our native casuarina trees, we have recently also spotted the endangered glossy black cockatoos nearby our villas.

Land Birds

Sea Dragon is the home to thousands of birds from tiny finches through to curlews and currawongs. Since the devastating bushfires in January 2020 on other parts of the island, we are now seeing the endangered glossy black cockatoos as they come to feed on our casuarina trees.

Raptors & other birds of prey

There is nothing quite like watching a majestic wedge-tail eagle with a wingspan of nearly two metres soaring in the thermal winds over Pink Bay. White-bellied sea eagles diving for fish just off the coast have also been spotted. Other birds of prey such as kestrels, owls, and falcons are regular visitors.

Marine birds

Many types of sea birds frequent the skies over our beach.
Our marine birds range from the white-bellied sea eagle and ospreys, through to the common gull.

Many water birds can also be seen at nearby Chapman River and Lashmar Lagoon.

Below are some of the Kangaroo Island bird species that have been sighted at Sea Dragon:

  • Australian Golden Whistler
  • Australian Hobby Falcon
  • Australian Magpie
  • Australian Pied Cormorant
  • Australian Raven
  • Australian White Ibis
  • Black-faced Cormorant
  • Brown Thornbill
  • Crescent Honeyeater
  • Eastern Barn Owl
  • Eastern Spinebill
  • Galah
  • Glossy Black Cockatoo
  • Grey Currawong
  • Grey Fantail
  • Grey Currawong
  • Laughing Kookaburra
  • Little Raven
  • Nankeen Kestrel
  • New Holland Honeyeater
  • Osprey
  • Pacific Gull
  • Scarlet Robin
  • Rainbow Bee Eater
  • Red Browed Finch
  • Silver Eye
  • Silver Gull
  • Southern Boobook
  • Superb Fairy Wren
  • Terns
  • Wedgetail Eagle
  • White-Bellied Sea Eagle

The most common marine visitors to our secluded Pink Bay are regular pods of bottlenose dolphins who hunt past the bay on almost a daily basis. Occasionally they will venture into the bay to the delight of guests who happen to be swimming there at the time. Other regular visitors are long-nosed fur seals, who like their dolphin friends, regularly hunt past the bay.

In wintertime Southern Right or Humpback whales are occasionally sighted swimming past and have actually been seen to have a rest in the bay itself.

Seals and sea lions

Long-nosed fur seals are seen playing in the sheltered waters of Pink Bay as they patrol the coastline looking for a meal. Occasionally an endangered Australian sea lion will call into Pink Bay for a rest on the beach.

Long-nosed fur seals were hunted almost to extinction by early settlers on Kangaroo Island but have now bounced back and are thriving in many places around the island.

For an amazing wildlife encounter with these beautiful creatures, we include a visit and guided beach walk at Seal Bay Conservation Park on our Full Day Nature Tour.

Bottlenose dolphins

Bottlenose dolphins are a common sight around the Kangaroo Island coastline and regularly patrol along our shoreline looking for a meal. They are usually seen in pods of six or more and will often swim right into the bay.

Bottlenose dolphins are fast swimmers and can reach speeds of up to 20 kilometres an hour. Being a mammal, they surface to breathe two or three times a minute. They travel in social groups and communicate with each other by a system of complex whistles and squeaks.

Bottlenose dolphins track their prey through echolocation. They are able to produce up to 1,000 clicking noises per second. These sounds travel underwater until they encounter objects, then bounce back to reveal the size, location and shape of their target. Visit our tour page to see how you can experience swimming with these incredible creatures.

Our namesake

The waters of Pink Bay abound with many different types of marine creatures. If you are a keen snorkeller, you will find many different types of fish swimming around the rocks that line the edge of Pink Bay.

Leafy sea dragons, after which our property was named, live in the waters off Kangaroo Island but these creatures are shy and rarely seen.

Kangaroos & wallabies

Kangaroo Island, and Sea Dragon, is home to hundreds of kangaroos and wallabies. Guests will always see these beautiful animals during their stay with us as they are active all year round.

Kangaroo Island Kangaroos are a sub-species of the Western Grey Kangaroo and typically live between 9-13 years in the wild. They are one of the most placid kangaroos by nature as they don’t have predators like the mainland kangaroos. They weigh between 20-70kgs and an adult male on his hind feet can reach a height of almost two metres.

Tamar wallabies can frequently be seen hopping around Sea Dragon with their much larger kangaroo cousins.


Echidnas or spiny anteaters are common on our property and are sometimes spotted while walking to the beach or along our other walking trails.

Echidnas are very unusual animals. They have spines like a porcupine, a pouch like a kangaroo, a beak much like a bird, and lay eggs like a reptile. They are one of only two types of monotreme in the world. The platypus is the other. Echidnas are small and solitary mammals usually between 30 to 40 centimetres long and weighing between two and four kilograms.

Not only can you see them at Sea Dragon, but keep an eye out for them within the low lying shrubs along the island roads.

Goannas & other reptiles

Heath Goannas can regularly be seen patrolling around the property looking for a meal. They are the island’s apex land predator and as such show little fear if approached by guests. They are considered harmless. Many other smaller lizards also live on the property and snakes are seen occasionally.

Heath Goannas are also known as Rosenberg’s Goannas. They are powerful reptiles with sharp curved claws, strong limbs and long muscular tails. They can reach lengths of 1.5 metres. These goannas are the reason why there are no rabbits on Kangaroo Island. Every time the early pioneers on the island foolishly tried to introduce rabbits, the goannas would raid the burrows. We have a lot to thank them for!

If you are a keen birdwatcher, then you’re going to love Kangaroo Island, which has over 260 species of Australian birds.

At Sea Dragon Kangaroo Island we have sighted over 30 of these species, with many other Kangaroo Island bird species known to reside on the estate. Avid bird watchers can spend hours observing our thriving bird population. For those who would like to know more about Kangaroo Island’s birds, we supply a copy of the famous “Birds of Kangaroo Island” book by Chris Baxter and some small binoculars on request.

If you would like to explore more of Kangaroo Island’s amazing birdlife, why not consider a private birdwatching tour.

Thanks to our native casuarina trees, we have recently also spotted the endangered glossy black cockatoos nearby our villas.

Land Birds

Sea Dragon is the home to thousands of birds from tiny finches through to curlews and currawongs. Since the devastating bushfires in January 2020 on other parts of the island, we are now seeing the endangered glossy black cockatoos as they come to feed on our casuarina trees.

Raptors & other birds of prey

There is nothing quite like watching a majestic wedge-tail eagle with a wingspan of nearly two metres soaring in the thermal winds over Pink Bay. White-bellied sea eagles diving for fish just off the coast have also been spotted. Other birds of prey such as kestrels, owls, and falcons are regular visitors.

Marine birds

Many types of sea birds frequent the skies over our beach.
Our marine birds range from the white-bellied sea eagle and ospreys, through to the common gull.

Many water birds can also be seen at nearby Chapman River and Lashmar Lagoon.

Below are some of the Kangaroo Island bird species that have been sighted at Sea Dragon:

The most common marine visitors to our secluded Pink Bay are regular pods of bottlenose dolphins who hunt past the bay on almost a daily basis. Occasionally they will venture into the bay to the delight of guests who happen to be swimming there at the time. Other regular visitors are long-nosed fur seals, who like their dolphin friends, regularly hunt past the bay.

In wintertime Southern Right or Humpback whales are occasionally sighted swimming past and have actually been seen to have a rest in the bay itself.

Seals and sea lions

Long-nosed fur seals are seen playing in the sheltered waters of Pink Bay as they patrol the coastline looking for a meal. Occasionally an endangered Australian sea lion will call into Pink Bay for a rest on the beach.

Long-nosed fur seals were hunted almost to extinction by early settlers on Kangaroo Island but have now bounced back and are thriving in many places around the island.

For an amazing wildlife encounter with these beautiful creatures, we include a visit and guided beach walk at Seal Bay Conservation Park on our Full Day Nature Tour.

Bottlenose dolphins

Bottlenose dolphins are a common sight around the Kangaroo Island coastline and regularly patrol along our shoreline looking for a meal. They are usually seen in pods of six or more and will often swim right into the bay.

Bottlenose dolphins are fast swimmers and can reach speeds of up to 20 kilometres an hour. Being a mammal, they surface to breathe two or three times a minute. They travel in social groups and communicate with each other by a system of complex whistles and squeaks.

Bottlenose dolphins track their prey through echolocation. They are able to produce up to 1,000 clicking noises per second. These sounds travel underwater until they encounter objects, then bounce back to reveal the size, location and shape of their target. Visit our tour page to see how you can experience swimming with these incredible creatures.

Our namesake

The waters of Pink Bay abound with many different types of marine creatures. If you are a keen snorkeller, you will find many different types of fish swimming around the rocks that line the edge of Pink Bay.

Leafy sea dragons, after which our property was named, live in the waters off Kangaroo Island but these creatures are shy and rarely seen.

Our eco-friendly initiatives

All accommodations are constructed to 6-star environmental ratings and we are committed to substantial eco-friendly initiatives which include:

We also encourage guests to consider the environment by re-using their towels after each shower or bath, using re-usable drink bottles and turning lights and heating/cooling off when not in their room. We encourage everyone to do this not only at Sea Dragon Kangaroo Island but during all their travels.

Kangaroo Island walks from Sea Dragon

We are excited to be involved in the development of the new Dudley Peninsula and Cape Willoughby walking trail which will be a fantastic addition to those interested in walking Kangaroo Island and the great walks of Australia as a whole. More information will be coming soon.

In the meantime, there are some fantastic short walks that can be taken from Sea Dragon Kangaroo Island. Cape Willoughby Lighthouse and spectacular Devil’s Kitchen are an easy 25-minute walk from us.

We can also organise dedicated private walking tours on Kangaroo Island thanks to our extensive tour operator licence allowing access to some of the most remote and unvisited destinations on the island.

Cape Willoughby Lighthouse

The Cape Willoughby Lighthouse is the oldest in South Australia and once played an important role in the state’s shipping trade. It was built to assist the safe journey of ships passing through the treacherous stretch of water known as Backstairs Passage.

Devil’s Kitchen

Devil’s Kitchen, located just to the southeast of the lighthouse, is a spectacular formation in the granite cliffs. It is particularly awesome when large southerly swells crash into it on a windy day and is a very Insta-worthy shot with the striking lighthouse standing proudly behind it. Please be careful to remain well away from the edge when viewing this site.

Antechamber Bay Lookout

Upon completion of the Dudley Walking Trail, guests will be able to reach beautiful Antechamber Bay from Sea Dragon. Stay tuned!

Our team

Owners Alice, Greg, John and Karin have more than 40 years of Australian tourism experience. We know how to provide an experiential holiday for Australians and international travellers alike.

Our ethos is to fill you with knowledge and enthusiasm about the wonder that is Kangaroo Island through our guided tours while also providing a relaxing, indulgent holiday at our beautiful boutique accommodation.

Our experienced, welcoming and professional team hail from all parts of the island, Australia and the world. With many living on-site or just ‘down the road’, there’s always someone ready to point out an echidna or top up your Kangaroo Island wine

Our guests

Sea Dragon is suitable for many guests who vary from young professionals and honeymooners, right through to older experiential travellers, retirees and well-travelled families.

For maximum enjoyment of all guests and due to the rugged bush setting of our property, we do not allow guests under the age of 12 years.

Single travellers are very welcome and have the opportunity to meet people on our scheduled small-group tours during the day while having privacy and solitude in their own room, suite or villa for an evening.

We wish we lived in a world where it went without saying, but we are proudly LGBTQI+ friendly.

What our guests say about us

Brenda (Australia)

Everything! Couldn’t fault a single thing! Great food and hospitality. Beautiful surroundings with an abundance of wildlife. Absolutely exquisite!

Murray and Desley (Australia)

We have thoroughly enjoyed our stay. Great accommodation, stunning views. Loved the kangaroos and wildlife. Great tours, good food – actually it was amazing! Sensational services were provided by the staff who went above and beyond to enhance our stay. We will definitely be recommending Sea Dragon to others.

Nina, Phil and friends (Australia)

We loved our stay in this beautifully appointed accommodation. Thoroughly enjoyed it all – views, seclusion, beach and of course the ‘roos. Seafood platter was next level. Great service!

Chris and family (USA)

If you dream of being ensconced in luxury and nature simultaneously, you will love Sea Dragon. It’s perfectly situated on the eastern tip of Kangaroo Island, with breathtaking views of Pink Bay from the teak deck of your perfectly appointed room and majestic views of Cape Willoughby Lighthouse when you walk out the front door. My wife and 18-year-old son discovered it to be the perfect home base for excursions to wineries, nature reserves, snorkeling spots, sea lion beaches, and the most beautiful and rugged coastlines you can imagine. If you’re headed to Kangaroo Island, you’re already part of a select group of Australia aficionados who want to enjoy its stunning wildlife, scenery, wine, and food, but far away from brash crowds. You could stay anywhere on KI and be off the beaten path, but Sea Dragon is the only resort that offers exquisite seclusion with every imaginable amenity. And not to worry: On an island that’s only 100km by 50km, every excursion is only a short drive away. You could also spend your entire time on the property and leave completely fulfilled. We especially appreciated co-owner Karin’s personal touches during our stay. She and her team were able to make last-minute adjustments to our itinerary, supply in-house guides to every destination, and exude a warmth that transforms a vacation into an experience. The best part of our stay, besides the gourmet dinners, were our walks on the enormous acreage of the resort itself. We saw heaps of kangaroos (of course), echidnas, and dozens of bird species. Being on Cape Willoughby also meant the stunning sunrises and sunsets both happen over the ocean. Unforgettable.

Kymme and Eiji (Japan)

After 40 years of dreaming to travel to Kangaroo Island, finally we have been able to travel here together. Eiji travelled almost 40 years ago and I have always wanted to come here myself. Sea Dragon has been the perfect place to springboard our travels around KI. Beautiful location, fantastic food and service. Pink Bay is simply so beautiful. Thank you!

Things to know

Our landscape

Our beautiful, rugged property is nature at its finest and is largely untouched, which does mean that there are undulating and uneven surfaces around the accommodations, as well as some of Australia’s best wildlife! Please always wear appropriate, stable footwear when walking outside. Also please be sure to walk slowly and not run so as not to spook the wildlife. Also note that Pink Bay, the beach accessed from Sea Dragon, is unpatrolled and swimming is at your own risk.

Accessibility information

Sea Dragon is a semi-remote and rugged property with 150 acres of nature conservancy with limited access for walking. The main property area of 100 acres has very steep access to the beach with our accommodations dotted around the property. As part of our extensive renovation project, we will have select wheelchair-friendly accommodation as well as wheelchair access to the main dining room and reception by the end of Summer 2024.

The beach can be accessed via 4WD (Sea Dragon onsite vehicles only) and by steep walking trail. We offer accessible private tours to destinations on the island that are set up for wheelchair access.

Wildlife encounters

While most of our wildlife is timid and will keep its distance, some of our resident kangaroos and wallabies may get a little inquisitive from time-to-time and the mature males or new mothers can grow rather big! Please practice your best social distancing (remember that?) and stay at least five to 10 metres away. Under no circumstances may you feed the animals as we want to keep our wildlife wild. Should you encounter a reptile during your stay (goanna, snake, large lizard) please stay well away and alert management of its location.


For the reasons listed above, children younger than 12 are not permitted.


We are in the process of moving to a completely off-grid energy set-up (we’re about 85% there) to contribute to conserving our planet. So during times when we have to rely on the mains power supply on the island (which is temperamental itself) we may experience a short outage while our batteries kick in to back it up. #islandlife. Please consult us before booking should you have any sleeping devices or similar which require uninterrupted electricity.


Being a large island the weather can change quickly and with our property being beautifully coastal, it’s always good to bring a variation of clothing. Layers are best.

Mobile phone / cell coverage

Due to the semi-remote location of our 260-acre property, phone coverage is sporadic. Telstra is the best performing but not always consistent. The free wifi in our accommodation can facilitate calls made via WhatsApp/Facetime etc. When out on tour around the island, you will have times where there is no coverage at all. Enjoy it!

Check in/Check out times

Check in is at 3.00pm / Check out is at 10.00am


The ideal ferry time ex Cape Jervis for all guests is 4.00pm however we will also provide transfers for those booked on the 6.00pm service.

The ideal ferry time ex Penneshaw to book for guests on 3-5 night Experiences is 10:30am however transfers are also available for the 8:30am service. Please see note below about guests booked on 2 Night Experiences.

All flight arrivals and departures from/to Kingscote will be met.

IMPORTANT: Guests staying on the two-night Experience must depart no earlier than a 3pm flight (5pm from October 29, 2023) or a 5:30pm ferry due to their Taste of KI tour taking place on their departure day


The ideal ferry time ex Cape Jervis for all guests is 4.00pm however we will also provide transfers for those booked on the 6.00pm service.

The ideal ferry time ex Penneshaw to book for guests booked on Experiences is 8:30am if connecting with touring on the mainland or travelling onwards that day, however transfers are also available for the 2:30pm service.

All flight arrivals and departures from/to Kingscote will be met.

We have a private dining room for in-house guests only. We cater for most dietary requirements, provided we receive notice at the time of booking.

We don’t have a dress code at Sea Dragon as we want our guests to be themselves and feel comfortable, however we do ask that beach clothing and footwear is avoided at breakfast and dinner service.

Due to our undulating bushland, it is not recommended to wear heels / stilettos during your stay and sturdy footwear is most suitable.

While out exploring the island, we always recommend layered clothing as the air and wind temperatures can vary quite greatly across the day.

The best mobile reception provider on Kangaroo Island is Telstra. Optus and Vodafone do work, but usually only in the main townships. While onsite, WhatsApp and similar apps can also be used to make calls via our WiFi. Not all areas of our property have Telstra coverage.

The best mobile reception provider on Kangaroo Island is Telstra. Optus and Vodafone do work, but usually only in the main townships. While onsite, WhatsApp and similar apps can also be used to make calls via our WiFi. Not all areas of our property have Telstra coverage.

As we are totally reliant on rainwater, unfortunately, we are unable to offer a laundry service.

Our managers live onsite and are available at your service daily from breakfast to the end of dinner service. Calls made outside of this time should only be made in the case of an emergency.

Yes, we have a lovely reception area with ocean views where guests are welcome to relax before checking in or after checking out.

We are very lucky to be situated only 1.1km / .7 miles from the oldest lighthouse in South Australia, the Cape Willoughby Lighthouse which is an easy walk there and around the peninsula. In your in-room compendium there is a map and some interesting information on the history of the area.

We are also developing a range of walking trails on the Sea Dragon property itself, making the most of our wonderful flora and fauna that call Sea Dragon home.

Smoking is NOT permitted in any building or vehicle. Villa guests may smoke outside near the front entrance of their villas but must ensure butts are disposed of correctly otherwise there is a risk of bushland catching alight. There is a designated smoking area for Room and Suite guests near the Lodge reception.

Yes. We have free onsite parking, however note that those booked on our Experiences have included transfers from the airport or ferry terminal, so bringing your own car isn’t necessary.

As we are an eco-friendly property and are totally reliant on rainwater and solar energy, we do not change sheets or towels however accommodations are refreshed on a daily basis.

Not without prior written permission and only on some areas of the property at specific altitudes.

You can find our Terms and Conditions here

Check in is at 3.00pm / Check out is at 10.00am


The ideal ferry time ex Cape Jervis for all guests is 4.00pm however we will also provide transfers for those booked on the 6.00pm service.

The ideal ferry time ex Penneshaw to book for guests on 3-5 night Experiences is 10:30am however transfers are also available for the 8:30am service. Please see note below about guests booked on 2 Night Experiences.

All flight arrivals and departures from/to Kingscote will be met.

IMPORTANT: Guests staying on the two-night Experience must depart no earlier than a 3pm flight (5pm from October 29, 2023) or a 5:30pm ferry due to their Taste of KI tour taking place on their departure day


The ideal ferry time ex Cape Jervis for all guests is 4.00pm however we will also provide transfers for those booked on the 6.00pm service.

The ideal ferry time ex Penneshaw to book for guests booked on Experiences is 8:30am if connecting with touring on the mainland or travelling onwards that day, however transfers are also available for the 2:30pm service.

All flight arrivals and departures from/to Kingscote will be met.

We have a private dining room for in-house guests only. We cater for most dietary requirements, provided we receive notice at the time of booking.

We don’t have a dress code at Sea Dragon as we want our guests to be themselves and feel comfortable, however we do ask that beach clothing and footwear is avoided at breakfast and dinner service.

Due to our undulating bushland, it is not recommended to wear heels / stilettos during your stay and sturdy footwear is most suitable.

While out exploring the island, we always recommend layered clothing as the air and wind temperatures can vary quite greatly across the day.

The best mobile reception provider on Kangaroo Island is Telstra. Optus and Vodafone do work, but usually only in the main townships. While onsite, WhatsApp and similar apps can also be used to make calls via our WiFi. Not all areas of our property have Telstra coverage.

The best mobile reception provider on Kangaroo Island is Telstra. Optus and Vodafone do work, but usually only in the main townships. While onsite, WhatsApp and similar apps can also be used to make calls via our WiFi. Not all areas of our property have Telstra coverage.

As we are totally reliant on rainwater, unfortunately, we are unable to offer a laundry service.

Our managers live onsite and are available at your service daily from breakfast to the end of dinner service. Calls made outside of this time should only be made in the case of an emergency.

Yes, we have a lovely reception area with ocean views where guests are welcome to relax before checking in or after checking out.

We are very lucky to be situated only 1.1km / .7 miles from the oldest lighthouse in South Australia, the Cape Willoughby Lighthouse which is an easy walk there and around the peninsula. In your in-room compendium there is a map and some interesting information on the history of the area.

We are also developing a range of walking trails on the Sea Dragon property itself, making the most of our wonderful flora and fauna that call Sea Dragon home.

Smoking is NOT permitted in any building or vehicle. Villa guests may smoke outside near the front entrance of their villas but must ensure butts are disposed of correctly otherwise there is a risk of bushland catching alight. There is a designated smoking area for Room and Suite guests near the Lodge reception.

Yes. We have free onsite parking, however note that those booked on our Experiences have included transfers from the airport or ferry terminal, so bringing your own car isn’t necessary.

As we are an eco-friendly property and are totally reliant on rainwater and solar energy, we do not change sheets or towels however accommodations are refreshed on a daily basis.Not without prior written permission and only on some areas of the property at specific altitudes.

You can find our Terms and Conditions here